How I Want It All to Feel



I want my day to feel like the kaleidoscope I had as a kid, vibrant with colors and magical surprises.

I want laughing to feel like blowing bubbles and lying in a hammock and feeling the grass tickle my feet.

I want my body to feel like wild horses running free over the prairie.

I want my writing to feel like liquid silver.

I want my home to feel like a sanctuary, sacred and filled with love.

I want my friendships to feel like rose quartz and camp fires and hot chocolate with marshmallows.

I want my services to feel like freshly baked apple pie, warm, inviting & offered with love.

I want my prosperity to feel like the Niagara Falls.

I want my ideas to feel like sweet incense, taking me to places I’ve only ever dreamed of.

I want my curiosity to feel like a turquoise starfish.

I want my intentions to feel like smooth, white river rocks.

I want my courage to feel like Mount Everest.

I want my meditations to feel like the light of a silver moon.

I want my questions to feel like a sun catcher creating rainbows on the walls.

I want the end of the day to feel like a cat curling up in front of the fire place.

I want my love to feel like that special smile that only he and I share.

I want my life to feel like licking the juice off my fingers when eating a mango.