The Call of the Misty Mountain


“Go for a hike” something inside me whispered.

“But it’s foggy” I tried.

“Go for a hike” the whisper repeated.

“But it’s only 6am” I tried again.

“Go for a hike” the whisper continued.

“But it’s going to rain” I tried one last time.

“Go for a hike” the whisper persisted.

So I went, despite the fog and the early hour and the rain.

The trail was deserted. The fog enveloped everything in a soft light and the leaves seemed even greener than usual.

 Near the top of Felsenegg

I walked in a steady pace, coordinating my trekking poles with my feet on the muddy path.

I couldn’t see the summit through the fog, but it didn’t matter.

With every step I felt lighter, younger, happier. With every breath my soul felt more alive.

 View on the way up