

How Backyard Birds Revived My Note-Making Practice

Earlier this month I finished a Linking Your Thinking workshop led by Nick Milo. It wasn’t my first LYT workshop, but it was my first time signing up to present a showcase about a part of my personal knowledge management (PKM) system to the rest of this cohort.

In this 9 minute video, I give you a peek into my Obsidian notes about the backyard birds I see from my window and how they helped me rediscover the joy of note-making.

About Rocking the World and Quantum Leaps

Quantum Leap by Anna Nielsent-rocking-the-world-and-quantum-leaps/quantum-leap.webp|Quantum Leap by Anna Nielsen]]

Quantum Leap

History is written as we live it -
Slow steady progress inevitably inexorably takes each of us forward
But sometimes…….
When we reach for something much higher -
When we stretch our resolve even further
When we push past previous limits…… to beyond  -
just sometimes….
it is possible to exceed all expectations……

to realise our very dreams

~ Anna Nielsen

How I Want It All to Feel


I want my day to feel like the kaleidoscope I had as a kid, vibrant with colors and magical surprises.

I want laughing to feel like blowing bubbles and lying in a hammock and feeling the grass tickle my feet.

I want my body to feel like wild horses running free over the prairie.

I want my writing to feel like liquid silver.

I want my home to feel like a sanctuary, sacred and filled with love.